Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rian's First Day of Kindergarten

So Rian started her first day of school on August 18th. She was so exctied. Since she is on a different track than Riley she has been patiently waiting for almost a month for this day. Today is the middle of her second week and she was able to go to the library and check out her first book Gingerbread Fred. She tells us she can already read it! Guess we shall see.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Trip to Durango

In an effort to actually show everyone pictures of what we are up to I decided to start a blog. So this is our first entry. In June we went to visit Dan's parents in Durango. We went horse back riding up to a meadow and had real cowboys serve us breakfast. It was really fun. Riley rode Bruha and Rian had a pony named KK.